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Local Governing Body

The Bright Futures Educational Trust is accountable for the running of South Shore Academy. The Trust has decided to have Local Governing Bodies to discharge responsibilities locally for monitoring progress, finance and health and safety.

Local governors have responsibility for the strategic vision of the academy, aligned to the overall vision and values of the Bright Futures Educational Trust. The local governing body acts collectively to support the Principal and staff in achieving the vision and holds the Principal to account for the outcomes achieved and the safety and well-being of everyone at the Academy.

The Local Governing Body contributes to the appointment of the Principal and monitors progress on the academy’s budget that is agreed in advance with the Bright Futures Educational Trust. The most important role of the local governing body is monitoring progress against the academy development plan and checking that strategies to improve outcomes for young people are effective. Ultimately, the local governing body supports the academy and Bright Futures Educational Trust in achieving the very best outcomes for all the children and families that we serve at South Shore.

The full Local Governing Body meets on a regular basis, usually once each half term and generally for no more than two hours.

Meetings are focused on the progress that the Academy is making and the Principal provides a general report, including regular pupil progress data. The Local Governing Body may well receive reports from sub-committees and will formally adopt the Trust-wide policies which underpin the running of South Shore Academy.

Jill Baker

Type of Governor & Appointment:Chairperson. Pupil Premium, Health and Safety, Educational/Residential Trips.
Term of office starts:19/9/2023
Term of office ends:18/09/2026
Meetings attended in the last academic year:7 of 7
Relevant Business Pecuniary interests (Inc. Governance Roles):Jill Baker is from Salford and has held senior officer roles within a number of local authorities. As an assistant director of education she helped to set up the new Blackburn with Darwen local authority in the 1990s and she then went on to be a director of education and children’s services. Jill has worked for the Department for Education (National College) as a contractor focussing particularly on system leadership in schools. She contributes to headteacher leadership programmes in the north west. She has experience of advising a number of governing bodies in different types of schools.
Jill is a committed volunteer who works with young people in her local community. She is a mum and a grandmother who enjoys the time she spends with her family.

Trish Latimer

Type of Governor & Appointment:Vice Chairperson
Term of office starts:12/10/2023
Term of office ends:11/10/2026
Committee Membership:SEND & Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Meetings attended in the last academic year:7 of 7
Relevant Business Pecuniary interests (Inc. Governance Roles):Trish Latimer B.Ed (Hons) Trish is a mixed media artist by trade, and has been teaching creativity in many forms to both children and adults for the past 20 years. She is currently the Editor of one of the UK’s leading craft magazines. Trish has been a Governor previously for 8 years, firstly as an elected Parent Governor and then she was elected as Chair of the Governing Body for 2 years, and is also Chair of the School Improvement Committee. Trish has spent 16 years as a parent of Marton school children, and as such has developed a very deep understanding of the school.

Christopher Mitchell

Type of Governor & Appointment:Co-opted Governor
Term of office starts:17/7/2023
Term of office ends:16/7/2024
Committee Membership:Finance
Meetings attended in the last academic year:5 of 7
Relevant Business Pecuniary interests (Inc. Governance Roles):Christopher joined Cohen’s Chemist in 2014 – present day. He obtained a Master of Science (MSc) in International Banking and Finance. Christopher grew up in the North West and lives in Bolton with his young family. His financial background and experience has proved invaluable since he joined the Governing Body in 2016.

Nigel Brown

Type of Governor & Appointment:Appointed
Term of office starts:21/03/2022
Term of office ends:20/03/2025
Committee Membership:Attendance, Behaviour & Exclusions
Meetings attended in the last academic year:6 of 7

Neil Waring

Type of Governor & Appointment:Parent Governor – Appointed
Term of office starts:06/02/2023
Term of office ends:05/02/2026
Committee Membership:N/A

Elaine Davies

Type of Governor & Appointment:Appointed
Term of office starts:01/01/2022
Term of office ends:31/12/2024
Committee Membership:Curriculum, Teaching & Learning
Meetings attended in the last academic year:4 of 7

Andrew Perman

Type of Governor & Appointment:Staff – Appointed
Term of office starts:20/03/2023
Term of office ends:19/03/2026
Committee Membership:N/A

Lea – Anne Halsall

Type of Governor & Appointment:Parent Governor
Term of office starts:05/02/2024
Term of office ends:04/02/2027
Committee Membership:N/A
Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
South Shore Academy
St Annes Road
Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 2AR