19th June 2024
Dear Families,
I write to introduce myself – Mr. Warnock, Headteacher of St. George’s School which is part of Cidari Multi-Academy Trust. I am the Academy Improvement Support arranged by Bright Futures to further assist South Shore Academy on its journey of improvement. As you know, the Ofsted Report last year highlighted significant challenges here at South Shore which still need to be addressed.
Whilst headteacher of St George’s, I have led the school on a transformational journey where pupil outcomes have improved from the bottom 10% of schools nationally to being ranked as the best performing school across the entire Fylde Coast. Last year, 61% of St George’s pupils left with a grade 5 in English and Maths compared to a national average of 45% and a local authority average of 27%. I am committed to ensuring that the children at South Shore have the same support and opportunities to achieve the same positive outcomes.
Recently, I have been working alongside South Shore Academy’s Leadership Team, to understand more about the reasons why such positive outcomes are yet to be seen for more children at South Shore Academy. Of course, I have also spoken with pupils.
During my visits, I have seen poor pupil behaviour and discipline which is known to create a chaotic environment and makes teaching great lessons to all pupils very difficult. Through experience we know that to offer a positive learning environment pupils need structure, routine, and discipline.
Over the rest of the half-term I will be supporting the South Shore Academy leadership, Mr Kay – Interim Head of School seconded from St George’s and the Bright Futures Trust, with changes to discipline and internal systems, alongside planning and training staff in preparation for a ‘new’ South Shore Academy, a better South Shore Academy where all pupils behave exceptionally well. We are committed to providing an exceptional education, and we aim to create a learning environment where every student can thrive academically and personally.
We have seen a rapid improvement already and pupils have responded very well to the changes and for this they must be commended. Unfortunately, a number of pupils still want the chaos of the old South Shore Academy; we will not let this happen. For this positive transformation, we need
your support. We know some children will not like the changes, but we cannot and will not tolerate the indiscipline or disrespect previously seen from some pupils, and from what we will now refer to as ‘old’ South Shore.
As a South Shore Academy parent, you must support the school 100% even though, at times, you may feel that our approach is strict. I ask that you trust us and help your child succeed. By supporting us, you will also be supporting your child. My role with the leadership team at South Shore Academy is to ensure teachers and pupils have a safe environment in which they can excel. Your child’s job is to attend every day, on time, follow all instructions the first time, treat everyone respectfully, and achieve the best grades possible.
I will write again with our expectations, standards, and implementation plans for September. In the meantime, we have made the decision for pupils to finish on Friday 12th July 2024 for the summer. This allows us to have a week of staff training across all the areas that are going to make South Shore a great Academy. Without such training, we will not be in a position to implement all the new systems, strategies, curriculum and quality teaching that we know will make South Shore one of the best Academies on the Fylde coast. Please trust us that this is a decision for the better of all pupils in the longer run.
Furthermore our new year 7’s join us on Thursday 4th July which is also an INSET day and an opportunity to induct a new group of students into the new South Shore.
Over the next few weeks, we will be constantly reminding pupils and supporting them through the changes so that they are well prepared for our return and know what to expect. Please talk to them about the difference at South Shore already in the last few weeks. Again, we hope you will support this change.
We have a huge task ahead, but with your support, we can offer all pupils the best possible future and the greatest choices in life.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Warnock
Headteacher, St. George’s School
Leadership Support, South Shore Academy